Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gladstone Day 6 (Sunday)

Today my ride wasn't until 12:15, so I had some time to watch the I-1 freestyle and walk Ozzy around. The weather was pretty nice, not too hot or cold and overcast, but not rainy. Today Ozzy warmed up REALLY well, I really was riding him, and we were rockin and rollin. Again, unfortunately, when we went in the ring he curled up a little bit, but I was ready for him and did a better job of keeping him in front of my leg. I thought I rode a much better test, and was really proud of it, but we still got a 58%. It was disappointing, but at least I was happy with the test and myself and my horse.

We ended up placing 10th for the weekend in the juniors. Matt, who is a JR friend of mine from Cincinnati, placed 5th. We all had a super time in NEw Jersey, and even though it wasn't my best show I am still so happy I was able to go. It is an experience that few have the opportunity to have, and without the support of my mom and Joanne and generous donations from friends and family I would not have been able to go.

Day 5 of Gladstone

My mom finally made it in last night after a long time of waiting around and not knowing what to do with the flooding situation.

My ride time was at 8:34, so we got to the barn pretty early, and got to tack up with the other juniors in my aisle. Although I know a lot of names I hadn't met many of these riders before, and it was so refreshing that each and every one of them was SO friendly and everyone had a great sense of camaraderie, even in a national competition such as this.

Ozzy warmed up ok in the outdoor, then we moved into the indoor. he felt a little sucked back, but was pretty good. As soon as we walked up the hill to the ring, however, he really curled into a ball and I had a difficult time keeping him in front of my leg. That ring is really scary, with the big scoreboard, and the 5 judges, and the stands and the barn. If I were a horse I would be freaked!

We didn't exactly have our best ride and got a 58%. I was happy that we did the test and didn't leave the ring or fall down but I knew that I needed to ride him better. I let him fall apart too many times when I could've saved him.

We placed 10th for the day, and got our ribbon and that was fun and then we went out to dinner and got ready for round 2!

Day Four of Gladstone (Friday)

Today was such a crazy day. Because they had rescheduled the PSG to today, the ring went all day long. I rode Ozzy in the morning, who was really cranky and crabby and not that good, which was discouraging having to show the next day. He acted like he just didn't want to be here anymore, and was just not through. I was pretty aggravated when I got off.

We did a lot of watching today, and the highlight of the day was Steffen's winning Grand Prix special ride with an 80%. It really was gorgeous, and it is so cool to come here and watch those riders go.

Today was super pretty and hot and sunny. We watched, and shopped, and cleaned everything for my ride on saturday!

Day Three of Gladstone

Today I woke up, went out and fed the boy, then headed down to watch the Grand Prix in the POURING rain. All of the horses were having issues going, and a lot of the rides lacked engagement and "schwung" due to the sloppy footing and monsooning rain. Steffen, however, came out on Ravel and rocked the ring with a 77% in the Grand Prix, and it was a lovely test indeed.

The announcer then came on and said that the Prix St. George would be rescheduled to tomorrow, and that the rain we were having now was going to be the lightest of the day. So, I ran back to the barn and got on Ozzy, and rode in the pouring rain only to have it turn to blue skies as soon as I was done for the rest of the day :)

My mom was supposed to come later in the day, but she called and said when she reached the PA-NJ border they turned her away. Apparently 120,000 people were evacuated when the river flooded. To us north-eastern ohioans, rain seems like such a petty thing compared to the blizzards of snow that we get but then when we came back to the hotel we saw the damaging flooding that was going on.

More pictures!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day Two of Gladstone

Today we got out to the barn around 8:00, which to Ozzy was starting to get a wee bit late for his breakfast and he was very eager to eat! I rode him around 11, and started out in the indoor, which was super crowded. It's also very very intimidating to be warming up with some of the country (and world's) top horses, and we had a lesson in watching out for others with a few near misses. After 15 minutes in the indoor they announced that we could go school in the competition ring. The ring is very pretty, with the flowers, and banners and the barn and the scoreboard. Ozzy was very behaved, and we did some work in that ring before everyone else got the same idea and all of a sudden it was a zoo in there too. So we left and went back to the tent, where there was another warm up ring, that was empty, and actually did some work. Ozzy was good, a little behind the bit, so tomorrow I'm going to ride him in the snaffle.

At 1 we had a rider meeting in the rotunda of the main barn with Janine Malone, the manager of the competition. It was really nice seeing all the riders there. We were told basic things about where to go/what to do, and then about the jog. We also were given goodies such as jackets and shirts and whatnot to remember Gladstone :)

I was scheduled, along with the other juniors, to jog at 4:25, so around 3:30 I braided Ozzy and got him all cleaned up and pretty, put on a nice outfit and walked down to the jog strip. It's amazing how the prep for the jog lasts and hour and the jog lasts 45 seconds. Ozzy jogged clean and sound.

Tomorrow is the first day of the competition with the PSG and the Brentina Cup. It will be a schooling day for us. Overall, Gladstone gets better every day!

Day One of Gladstone

Ozzy and I successfully arrived in New Jersey, after a weary 9 1/2 hours on the road. What started out as a nice pleasent drive soon turned into sitting on the highway for an hour and a half in the pouring rain with a horse banging the trailer. Not sure what the problem actually WAS once we began moving again, but we continued on our way until we reached Gladstone.

Gladstone is gorgeous. There are beautiful buildings and the ring is very nice. And the stalls are awesome. Oh wait. But we don't get to be in them. Oh no, instead, we are stabled up on a hill out in the weeds in a tent. A tent with bees, lots of bees. Super. Haha. Because Gladstone is a selection trial for the 2011 Pan-Am Games, the small tour horses get the cool barn, everyone else gets the ghetto.

Anyway, we unpacked Ozzy, who was perfect, and got my tack stall all the way I wanted it. Then I got Ozzy, out, tacked him up, and walked to the indoor ring that is the designated schooling ring. Upon entering, however, we almost got plowed down by a couple gigantic horses, passaging and piaffing around the ring. I think the big moving horses freaked Ozzy out because he became unglued and was rearing and spooking and acting crazy. The rain on the tin roof didn't help either. So, I got off and walked around, and then when they kicked us out to drag the ring I took him back, after a rather unsuccessful ride.

It continued to POUR the entire afternoon/evening/night, and to make the day even better we got lost about 15 times trying to drive around Gladstone and find our hotel so we finally got back, ordered room service and fell asleep :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

7 Days!

One week from today Ozzy and I will be jogging for the vet in Gladstone, New Jersey for the 2011 USEF Festival of Champions! After a little scare of being lame, Ozzy is back on top, and ready to go and has been treated like a KING the last few weeks. I'm currently in Lexington, Kentucky at school, but he's in Ohio so I'm excited to come home in a couple of days and ride my horse, and pack, and take off for Jersey!

While there, I will update the blog with pictures daily so please follow! It is going to be such a great event with lots of things going on, and people, and horses.



Friday, August 12, 2011


Hurrah! Although the NAJYRC didn't work out for us, today I received an email officially inviting Ozzy and I to ride at the USEF/Collecting Gaits Farm National Junior Championships in Gladstone, New Jersey! The competition is September 6-11. I am SO excited! We made the initial list as an alternate, but one of the top 12 riders couldn't attend, we were invited!

Can't wait!

Go Team Oz!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


This weekend was the final qualifier for Gladstone. To be honest, I wasn't too swift on going to another horse show. Ozzy's tired, I'm tired, it just didn't sound like a great plan, but we packed up the trailer and headed, once again, up to Michigan. The show went on the entire weekend but we decided to just show friday and saturday so that I could get the JR tests done and get out of there.

I'm glad that was the decision! It was defiantly a HOT weekend, with temps in the 90's and us being in the blazing sun. Ozzy has been battling a fungus on his 2 whites, and the whole weekend was a crap shoot on how he'd hold up. Friday we rode the JR Team, and had (the infamous) Gary Rockwell and Jane Weatherwax. We had a pretty nice test and placed 1st with a 64.8%. Then on saturday, despite a 5:00 ride time and a very grouchy horse, we managed another clean test and got a 64.7%.

At this point I'm not sure whether that will cut it for Gladstone. Keep updated! I will say, however, that I've had the best season ever with this horse, and we have done everything we can to try to make the list for Gladstone.

Whatever happens, happens, but cross your fingers! :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011


With the NAJYRC qualifying period over, it was fun to go to a "normal" horse show this weekend! Our gang packed up and traveled down to Delaware, Ohio for the Mid Ohio Dressage Classic. The weekend was great! Ozzy and I got our final qualifying scores for the Region 2 Championships. We did the third level freestyle on friday and got a 65%, Third level, test 3 on saturday with a 69% and then Ozzy made his 4th level debut on sunday with a 62.5%! It was a super weekend and everyone did really really well. Next weekend is Waterloo, where Ozzy and I will give one last shot for Gladstone, before getting a much needed and deserved break from showing.

Oh, and btw, we got JTW a new tailgate don't worry ;)


3rd Level Freestyle
3-3 Saturday
4-1 Sunday

Gladstone News!

Though the NAJC won't be happening, currently Ozzy and I are ranked 8th in the country for the USEF Festival of Champions in Gladstone, New Jersey. Next weekend, July 15-17, will be the final qualifying competition. GO OZZY! :)

NAJC News :(

Unfortunately, we missed the team by less than 1%. Although I'm bummed, we put in a great try and finished with a 64.7% average. LEC killed us, but we also got scores that we deserved, and I know what Ozzy's capable of. Next year! Good luck to everyone on the team, especially Matt and Moon in the JRs and Emily and Florestano in the YRs. Rock it guys!